Mr. Chet A. Bennett is the founder, Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of Bennett Career Institute. Mr. Bennett is a graduate of Morehouse College with a BA in Religion and a master’s degree in Educational Administration and Supervision from Howard University. He is well known and has over 23 years of work experience in the cosmetology and barbering industry. In 2018, Mr. Bennett was diagnosed with kidney failure. He was on dialysis for a year while trying to pull the strength and will to continue his school and tend to it’s staff and students. Finding it hard to get up the strength, Mr. Bennett prayed for answers and wondered what was next. Soon a former student and mentee of his volunteered to be his kidney donor. After receiving a successful kidney transplant, Mr. Bennett has dedicated his life to helping others with kidney disease. Thus, the C. Alan Foundation was established. The foundation goal is to raise money to assist the kidney disease population by offering counseling, nutrition, toiletries, education, housing, transportation and support. The foundation activities will include but not limited to fundraising gatherings, pampering days, giveaways, and working with the other organizations. Our main goal is to identify, educate, and assist those affected by kidney disease.